Boards with soul, tailor-made by the hands of the Shaper Zecão with the objective and promise to offer joy, safety and an amazing ride to all.
Performance Boards: Utilized by surfers with a higher degree of experience who look to keep up with the newest styles in board apparel and technology, for a better surf experience in any type of wave.
Fun and Longboards: Ideal for beginners and specialized surfers, I am always looking to work with specific designs to facilitate surf for all.
Tow in Boards: used for attacking larger and more powerful waves, board of extreme high performance that requires the surfer to be towed in by jet-ski, requires a surfer of high ability, and allows one to explore their limits at high velocity with a piece of equipment that is tested and certified.
Evolution Boards: I gave a unique and new face to this large board, yet it surfs like a short board with modern and bold lines, making it a board that is easy and enjoyable to ride by surfers of all types of ability.
The Bullet Board: High speeds can be found to be missing within some shortboards. Inspired by the snowboard, I realized some tests and created a board whose design is that of a bullet, hence the name. This model is still within the test phases; however I am close to perfecting it!
Stand Up Board: the latest sensation within the world of surf, a board in which the surfer stays on his feet the entire time, and uses a paddle to guide his way through the wave. Currently considered to be one of the most complete surfing styles.
Special Accessories: “the double board”, was developed to have a better and faster response to radical maneuvers, this board with less of a boarder facilitates turns within the very heart of the wave, all the while providing a more obedient and secure ride.
EXCLUSIVE PROMOTION! Tailor-make your board and win free evaluation and orientation as you begin to understand the ins and outs of your top end equipment.
My first contact with the art of shaping was at the mere age of 8 years old, when I transformed my first foam board, which at the time was known as a Guarujá, into something that resembled a surfboard. I fondly remember how I crafted the board with a butter knife and switched the foam fin for a wooden one.
At 14 years of age I carved a new shape out of an old beat up one, and at 16 I began to work at the Squalo Surfboard Shop as a remodeler and mender of boards. It was at this point in my life that I had the privilege to meet and work with Bill Walder, a true artist. I passed hundreds upon hundreds of hours watching him shape, and would then take the scraps of polyurethane and create various shortboards, as I tried to imitate him.
Soon after, I began the next chapter of my life, professional surfing and shaping. With these new adventures came the opportunity to live and train in the magical islands of Hawaii. There, I would reside with my surf sponsor Michael Willis, one of the shapers of the famed Willis Brothers. It would be within their shaping business that I would spend most of my down time from training and riding waves. This was the absolute max for me, it was such a pleasure to watch them at their craft, and I would be so stoked as each rocket they produced left the shelves of the store. It was during one of these days of high production that I asked Michael to teach me how to shape, and he responded, saying, ‘I did not need to be taught anything more, for with the amount of time I spent watching and studying, for certain I had already learned the art of how to shape a board.’ We would spend years speaking as our friendship grew, and he always passed me orientations on the shaping art-form.
My Cousin, Datinho, had just arrived from Brazil, saw the business that I had just started to get into and believed in me. He bought a block and asked if I could do the shaping. This board would become my first true shaping work within a customized room, with all the tools readily available. It was an unforgettable day and I did not disappoint my teacher nor cousin. The boards, besides gliding and maneuvering as expected, lasted various years within the hands of my cousin.
From this moment on I began to customize various surf blocks for the Willis Brothers and shortly after I was already shaping boards that were being sold in Japan and California under the label Willis Brothers.
Coming back to Brazil in 1986, I decided to found Zecão Surfboards, after all, my name was already known within the country and it would not be difficult to spread my work. It has been an amazing 25 years where I have not stopped working, always shaping, testing and developing new designs. |